For several weeks now, Caruso's Austrian stalker has been flooding forums and boards with rumors and innuendo concerning Caruso's alleged non-appearance at the Chix with Stix event held last month. The stalker has even gone so far as to accuse Caruso of single-handedly canceling the event. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
After several e-mails and a phone call with a well-placed insider, I am happy to report that the Chix with Stix event took place as scheduled Jan. 18 and Jan. 19, 2008 in Charleston, South Carolina. According to a very well-informed source, no television celebrities from CSI: Miami or any other show attended.
Why? My source explained that one of the event planners is also a cancer survivor herself. Due to a recurrence of the disease, it was decided that the Event would go forward without the attendance of multiple television celebrities. Chix with Stix had already received commitments from over 20 billiard celebrities who had agreed to attend and play in the tournament. With the recurrence issue involving one of the main event planners, it was decided that the Event could go forward with celebrities from the billiards world. To have planned, arranged and executed an event with multiple television personalities was far more than this person was able to handle given the health set-back.
The Chix with Stix event was "packed" according to one e-mail that I received and it was a huge success. Congratulations to everyone involved in the planning of this wonderful event which benefited wonderful charities.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
David Caruso & Chix with Stix Fundraiser - The Truth
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
David Caruso's Stalker Continues Attacks on Liza
When will it ever end or more importantly, will it end? Caruso's Austrian stalker continues her verbal attacks of his companion, Liza Marquez claiming "David Caruso dumped Liza for an attractive Miami Nightclub Executive". Without one shred of evidence, Schnitzer/Huber aka Vixen and multiple other usernames, continues her non-stop 24/7 efforts to smear David Caruso in the eyes of his fans. Even his companion and two year old toddler are not immune to the stalker's vitriol.
Nearly three months ago, Schnitzer/Huber planted a rumor of Caruso's alleged infidelity on the Internet with an Austrian tabloid service. Here in the States, the National Enquirer took the bait and published the trash in their rag. Other yellow journalistic publications followed suit. The stalker used every possible opportunity to attack Liza Marquez disparaging her looks, her ethnicity and the fact that she had deigned to go shopping alone with her new infant.
Following the Christmas holidays, eyewitness accounts were posted on fan boards by people who had ACTUALLY seen Caruso and Marquez shopping in South Beach on Xmas Eve. In spite of these accounts, the Austrian stalker ignored hard evidence and continued her relentless pursuit to destroy Caruso and Marquezs' reputations. There was only one problem: the rumor she first started and tried to breath life into NEVER took off.
As of today, February 6, 2007, no reputable media outlet has even mentioned anything about this and it is expected that none will do so. To use the stalker's own words, the whole "sordid affair" turned out to be just another fabrication hatched by a severely disturbed cyber-stalker.
It's high time to put this one to rest Vixen. No one believes it with the exception of you.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Stalker Libels Caruso
Speculation surrounding the reasons that the CSI: Miami contingent did not attend has been posted on literally hundreds of Internet forums and sites predominantly by one person, Heidiemarie Schnitzer, Caruso's indicted Austrian stalker. Upon learning of the Chix with Stix development, Caruso's Stalker beat a path to her laptop flooding various Internet sites and forums with salacious rumors that Caruso "canceled the event." Schnitzer, who uses multiple usernames to disguise her true identity on the Internet, recently posted the following libelous statement on the IMDb David Caruso forum. Posting as "sks97" Schnitzer leaves no doubt in the casual observer's mind who she thinks is responsible for the canceled appearance:
"David Caruso always likes to PRETEND that he is a very charitable person. However, cancelling a fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer Research for no aparent reason doesn't look too charitable, right?"
When another poster "LindyCindy" questioned her about her accusation, Schnitzer (sks97) became indignant and responded:
Reliable and reputable sources have NEVER reported that Caruso canceled the appearances by himself and his fellow cast members. Reports to the contrary are merely libelous allegations by a very, very ill celebrity stalker who uses this site and the entire Internet to wage her hate campaign against David Caruso.
Schnitzer's Death Threat

Actual Letter Sent to Caruso