Update: Shortly after publishing this post, Heidemarie Schnitzer was captured and arrested by Tijuana police on February 19, 2009. Within weeks she was deported to Austria and stood trial on April 14, 2009. After pronouncing her guilty of stalking and sending death threats to David Caruso, Judge Guenther Boehler sentenced Schnitzer to prison for 7 months. Following her incarceration, she was transferred to a mental facility for an undisclosed period of time.
In a brazen act, David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker has authored a guest post for another site recommending tamales. Yes indeed you heard it right. Heidemarie Schnitzer, a fugitive who remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula, has now become the region's latest food critic. Schnitzer has ghost written the piece using her notorious pseudonym "Vixen." Could her venture into the culinary arts be Schnitzer's latest effort to disguise the fact she's stalked and threatened to murder three people?
It's always been the policy of The Stalker Chronicles not to link to Schnitzer's blogs and/or sites which support her criminal activities and we will not do so now. Suffice it to say that Mexico's latest food critic still cannot fashion a sentence with proper subject/verb agreement. Florence Fabricant she is not. But Schnitzer can tell you about the history of tamales along with the various fillings available for the discerning gourmet palate. At the end of her post, Vixen/Heidemarie Schnitzer tagged it Baja, California. When she's finally locked up in Austria, looks like Schnitzer definitely has a future as a gourmand. Too bad the only thing she'll be critiquing will be prison grub.
Seriously, what more do the authorities need to pick this woman up? She's not only admitted being in Mexico's Baja area but now she's recommending the food. Note to Mexico's AFI: check the local tamale stands for a 40+ woman with a heavy German accent. She fancies the spicy beef tamales and she'll have a laptop in tow.
Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
David Caruso - Fugitive Stalker Critiques Baja Tamales
Friday, February 6, 2009
David Caruso - Schnitzer's Kids Spend Another Weekend Motherless
The above photo of Heidemarie Schnitzer dancing with her two children was obviously taken in much happier times. Circa 2003, this picture shows Schnitzer with her daughter Katharina Sophie and her as yet unidentified son. Sadly, Schnitzer has denied these children are hers undoubtedly to ease the guilt and shame she suffers knowing she failed them as their Mother. Photographed years before Schnitzer's stalking of David Caruso was made public, foreboding hints of a troubled woman can already be seen in Schnitzer's dour facial expression.
Will we ever know what caused Schnitzer to go off the deep end, throw away her life and walk away from these two children? Maybe not. Tragically, these youths will have to live with the disgrace and stigma unleashed upon them by a Mother who chose to criminally stalk and threaten to murder three people including CSI Miami's David Caruso.
With another weekend approaching, these children probably have full schedules with friends, extended family and perhaps sporting events. What do Katharina and her brother say when asked, "where's your Mom?"
Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
David Caruso - Schnitzer Copycat Stalker
In 2004, a woman charged with stalking and sending death threats to Michael Douglas and his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, stood trial in a Los Angeles, California courtroom. The defendant, thirty two year-old Dawnette Knight, had met Michael Douglas at a party in South Beach in 2002. Believing that this chance meeting constituted a relationship with Douglas, Knight began sending letters to Catherine Zeta-Jones detailing grisly threats on how she planned to get rid of Jones. One letter set out how Knight would cut Zeta-Jones into little pieces and feed her to dogs. Knight, who had plans to become a child psychologist, also knew the name of the Douglas' nanny and the layout of their home.
After days of testimony in which both Douglas and Zeta-Jones took the stand, a jury found Knight guilty and she was sentenced to three years in prison. Catherine Zeta-Jones nearly suffered a nervous breakdown and during the trial, Knight attempted suicide.
The eerie similarities of Knight's crimes compared to those of David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker, Heidemarie Schnitzer are uncanny. Schnitzer, who is known for plagiarizing the words and ideas of others, probably wasn't able to come up with an original stalking scam as well. In fact, it appears that Schnitzer simply stole a page out of Dawnette Knight's stalker playbook.
Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0
David Caruso - Investigation Discovery's Top Celebrity Stalkers Includes Caruso Stalker, Heidemarie Schnitzer
An interesting article from Investigation Discovery's Crime Countdowns of the Top Celebrity Stalkers. Unfortunately, this article didn't include Heidemarie Schnitzer so we have taken the liberty of adding her name and photo to the list :
No. 1 - Mark David Chapman, John Lennon Stalker/Assassin
In the fall of 1980, Mark David Chapman traveled to New York City with the intention of killing former Beatles singer and political activist, John Lennon. After spending the afternoon outside Lennon's apartment — an afternoon that included receiving an autograph from Lennon and shaking his young son's hand — Chapman shot the music legend in the back multiple times when he attempted to enter his apartment.
As Lennon lay dying from his wounds on the sidewalk, Chapman remained on the scene and casually read passages from the book, A Catcher in the Rye. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
No. 2 - Robert John Bardo, Rebecca Schaeffer Murderer

In 1989, Rebecca Schaeffer was a Hollywood darling, former star of the television series My Sister Sam and several movies. But just as her career was taking off, her life was cut short by Robert John Bardo, a man who had been stalking Schaeffer for years. In July 1989, Bardo showed up at Schaeffer's apartment and fatally shot her as she stood in her doorway.
Bardo's crime sent chills through Hollywood, especially because of the ease with which he found Schaeffer through her driving records. The incident led to new anti-stalking laws, including the 1994 Driver's Privacy Protection Act, which prevents the Department of Motor Vehicles from releasing private addresses.
No. 3 - Anthony Gary Silvestri, Kathryn Dettman Murderer

In January 1998, Anthony Gary Silvestri broke into the home of television reporter Kathryn Dettman, a woman he had been stalking for many months. As Dettman stepped out of her shower and into her bedroom, Silvestri stood waiting for her with a knife. What ensued was a brutally violent attack: Silvestri stabbed Dettman more than a dozen times, leaving her dead on the apartment floor. He is currently serving a 40-year prison term.
No. 4 - John Hinckley Jr., Jodie Foster Stalker/Would-Be Ronald Reagan Assassin

In 1980, actress Jodie Foster took a break from Hollywood to become a student at Yale University. It's also the year she became the victim of a stalker. John Hinckley Jr., was obsessed with Foster and enrolled at Yale for the sole purpose of being close to her. He soon began to leave letters and poems in her mailbox, including one in which he outlined plans to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in an effort to win her affections. On that same day, Hinckley traveled to a hotel in Washington, D.C., and made good on his promise, shooting President Reagan and other members of his party. Reagan survived. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity.
No. 5 - Margaret Mary Ray, David Letterman Stalker

For many years, schizophrenia patient Margaret Mary Ray stalked David Letterman, of The Late Show With David Letterman, and entertained fantasies about being his lover. Though he joked about her on his show, the threats Ray made against Letterman were no laughing matter. She broke into his home on several occasions and stole his Porsche at least once. Ray died by her own hand in 1998.
No. 6 - Jack Jordan, Uma Thurman Stalker

At the trial of Jack Jordan, Uma Thurman's long-time stalker, the actress testified that she was "totally freaked out" and scared for herself and her children when confronted with Jordan's creepy advances. In an attempt to spark a love interest, Jordan had sent Thurman cards with sexually suggestive messages and threatening drawings, including one of an open grave, a headstone and a man standing on the edge of a razor blade. He was found guilty and sentenced to three years probation.
No. 7 - Cristin Keleher, George Harrison Stalker

Cristin Keleher gained infamy in 1999 when she broke into the home of former Beatles guitarist George Harrison and helped herself to a frozen pizza. She wasn't just overcome by munchies; Harrison had been the object of Keleher's stalker fantasies for years. She served four months for the crime, but was back in the news in 2006 when she was fatally shot in California, the victim of a murder-suicide.
No. 8 - Dawnette Knight, Catherine Zeta-Jones/Michael Douglas Stalker

When Dawnette Knight developed an obsession with actor Michael Douglas, his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones became her natural enemy. In 2003 and 2004, Knight sent threatening letters to the Oscar-winning couple, which included claims that Knight would cut up Zeta-Jones and feed her to dogs. Following a much-publicized trial in which both Zeta-Jones and Douglas gave harrowing testimony, Knight pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison.
No. 9 - Rev. David Ajemian, Conan O'Brien Stalker

After the molestation scandals of the 1990s, the Catholic Church had endured about as much negative publicity as it could handle. Enter Rev. David Ajemian, the stalker priest who sent threatening letters and DVDs to Conan O'Brien of NBC's Late Night With Conan O'Brien. Ajemian pleaded guilty in 2007 to disorderly conduct and agreed to stay away from the late-night talk-show host. He was placed on leave by the Archdiocese of Boston after the scandal broke and was later stripped of his priestly duties entirely.
No. 10 - Heidemarie Schnitzer, Stalker /Would-Be Assassin of David Caruso

Heidemarie Schnitzer, Austrian national charged with stalking and threatening to murder David Caruso, his grown daughter Greta and his former companion, Liza Marquez. After Caruso failed to furnish her with an autograph and rejected her sexual advances in a Miami restaurant, Schnitzer went off the deep end. Her love obsession for the actor turned to a deadly hate obsession. Dr. Karin Treichl, an Austrian psychiatrist, diagnosed Schnitzer with "severe personality disorder capable of turning violent at any time."
Schnitzer failed to appear for two trial dates and fled to Mexico's Baja peninsula in April 2008. Armed with a laptop, Schnitzer launched an Internet hate campaign against David Caruso, his family and his associates. Using hundreds of pseudonyms and writing four hate-Caruso blogs, Schnitzer libeled and denigrated the actor for the duration of her flight from justice. On one website, Schnitzer posted a pornographic comment about Caruso's two-year old son. Sources close to this story always feared that Schnitzer would attempt to breach the US/Mexico border and travel to Los Angeles to hunt down Caruso and his family.
On February 19, 2009, Tijuana police captured and arrested Heidemarie Schnitzer pursuant to an international warrant. Two months later, Schnitzer was tried and convicted of stalking and sending death threats to David Caruso. During her trial, evidence of Schnitzer's 1994 conviction for threatening an ex-boyfriend was introduced by the prosecution. Judge Guenther Boehler sentenced Schnitzer to seven months in prison followed by incarceration in a mental facility for an undisclosed period of time.
David Caruso - Schizophrenic Schnitzer Denies Children Are Hers
UPDATE: Within minutes of publishing this post, Heidemarie Schnitzer read our blog and immediately beat a path to IMDb to correct her grammatical errors. We stand by the quote below as originally published. Schnitzer's IMDb post which she corrected is now noted as "updated."
More evidence of Heidemarie Schnitzer's schizophrenia for Dr. Karin Treichl and Austria's Children's Protective Services. The voices in the head of David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker continue disavowing she abandoned two children. After we posted a link on IMDb to the above photo, Schnitzer posted the following grammatically challenged denial:
Ahem, Is it just me or do I fail so any names attached to the picture? You know names as in confirmation/proof? Whoever this people are....sweet cheeks, you really have to do BETTER than that.Still begging for information? Still hallucinating? What ELSE is new?
posted by "Dixiebabe" pseudonym for Heidemarie Schnitzer
How sad that Schnitzer's two children are old enough now to not only access the Internet but regrettably read and comprehend the depth of their mother's insanity. No other celebrity stalkers to date, including David Letterman's stalker Margaret Mary Ray, have ever used the Internet to further their criminal pursuits and more importantly, to deny the existence of their own flesh and blood children.
Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
David Caruso - One Year As The Stalker's Stalker
Today marks the one year anniversary of The Stalker Chronicles. For the better part of the last 365 days, we have made every effort humanly possible to expose Heidemarie Schnitzer as David Caruso's mentally unbalanced fugitive stalker. We have had many successes as evidenced by the fewer and fewer websites that welcome Schnitzer. When we embarked upon this mission to track Caruso's stalker and help keep law enforcement agencies informed of her whereabouts, we didn't realize how heavy the burden we had placed upon ourselves.
Over the past year, we have been supported in our efforts by a lifeblood of friends known and unknown who share our belief that Heidemarie Schnitzer's actions are criminal and should be dealt with accordingly. Our gratitude to each and every one of you is immeasurable.
Although David Caruso is unfortunately the target of Heidemarie Schnitzer's menace and hatred, our focus remains on justice. Like any person in the public eye, Caruso has his detractors and we accept it. That fact alone doesn't make it right for another human being to criminally stalk and threaten to murder him and his family, fail to appear for Court hearings and flee the jurisdiction of Austria to avoid prosecution thereof.
The past year has also brought our detractors; those who claim we have no hard evidence that Heidemarie Schnitzer is Caruso's actual stalker. To those, we offer no apologies. It was our hard evidence of Schnitzer's presence on Mexico's Baja that led to the modification of the warrant for Schnitzer's arrest by Innsbruck Judge Guenther Boehler. An intensely pleasurable victory for which we proudly take credit.
The past year also brought us a new name coined by our friend Aaron Barnhart of TVBarn.com. "The Stalker's Stalker" has now become an identity we proudly wear as a badge of honor. It requires nothing less than legal stalking to track Schnitzer. Although Schnitzer remains at large hiding in Mexico, she changes locations with regularity always keeping us on our toes.
Regrettably, we are still plagued with a nagging fear that Schnitzer may succeed in making good on her murder threats before she is captured. Nonetheless, the Stalker's Stalker remains determined to see our mission through to the bitter end. We never close.
Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0
Monday, February 2, 2009
David Caruso - Birth of Caruso's Would-Be Assassin
A year ago tomorrow, The Stalker Chronicles went live on-line to track down and keep the Internet aware of the presence of David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker, Heidemarie Schnitzer. The first blogger to tackle this difficult task was a woman named "Rachel" whose DCWackoHunter Blog was the trailblazer. Rachel's blog was well-researched and outed Schnitzer for who and what she really is: a schizophrenic celebrity stalker diagnosed suffering from severe personality disorder with the potential to turn deadly. Unfortunately for all of us with a vested interest in seeing justice done, Rachel has moved onto other pursuits and her blog has not been updated in over a year.
If you have never had an opportunity to read Rachel's excellent account of how Heidemarie Schnitzer went from love-obsessed Caruso fan to hate-obsessed Caruso stalker and would-be Caruso assassin hiding behind hundreds of pseudonyms follow this link. We miss you Rachel, but we know intimately how much time and effort tracking Schnitzer involves. Once Schnitzer is captured and behind bars, our blog too will close down.
Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0
Schnitzer's Death Threat

Actual Letter Sent to Caruso