Thursday, February 12, 2009

David Caruso - Interpol Aids Mexico's Manhunt For Fugitive Stalker

With the trial of Josef Fritzl a month away, yesterday we reported information from unconfirmed sources claiming David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker appears to be involved in a plot to bust Fritzl out of the slammer prior to his March 16, 2009 trial date. It is a well-known fact that Heidemarie Schnitzer sympathizes with the cellar monster as she has posted her support on numerous websites. It is also believed that Schnitzer has corresponded with Fritzl and desires to meet up with him in Mexico as soon as possible. Schnitzer, who has abandoned two children of her own, has stated that Fritzl's daughter deserved his abuse after abandoning all of her children. Sick? No doubt. But if one is to follow Schnitzer's logic, once she is convicted of her crimes, then she too should serve out her sentence in an Austrian cellar managed by Fritzl Enterprises.

The Stalker Chronicles has also learned that Mexican authorities are coordinating efforts with Interpol whose Secretary General Ronald Kenneth Nobel, pictured above, has played a fundamental role in transforming the agency's technology and revitalizing its databases and operational police support services. Their role in providing information and assistance to Mexico's elite AFI, who are actively pursuing the capture and arrest of this dangerous woman, will be invaluable.

Schnitzer is armed and poses a serious threat to not only herself but anyone who attempts to bring her to justice. She is being compared to both the late Margaret Mary Ray who stalked David Letterman and ultimately committed suicide and Dawnette Knight, the Michael Douglas/Catherine Zeta-Jones stalker who attempted suicide during her trial. Like Knight, Schnitzer has threatened to murder three people including David Caruso.

If Josef Fritzl manages to escape prior to trial and flees to Mexico with Schnitzer's help, Schnitzer will be looking at additional charges of aiding and abetting a known criminal. If Schnitzer were smart, and we all know she isn't, she'd keep her nose clean and stay the hell out of this matter. She's playing way outside her league now.

Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0

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Schnitzer's Death Threat

Schnitzer's Death Threat
Actual Letter Sent to Caruso