Friday, February 20, 2009

David Caruso - THEY GOT HER!

Here's the Associated Press article and OEM En Linea's article (in Spanish) in their entirety confirming that Schnitzer has been captured and in all likelihood will be deported to Austria. A huge thanks goes to all who helped make Schnitzer's arrest possible.

David Caruso's Alleged Stalker Detained in Mexico

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — Mexican officials have detained an Austrian woman accused of stalking "CSI: Miami" star David Caruso.

Austrian prosecutors say the woman sent the American actor more than 100 letters, pursued him for an autograph and then sent death threats when he refused to give her one.

She was charged with stalking and threatening to kill Caruso, but failed to show up for court in 2007 and was believed to be on the run.

Tijuana police said Friday they detained the woman with the help of a blog titled The Stalker Chronicles, dedicated to the woman's arrest. She was turned over to immigration officials late Thursday and will likely be deported.

Caruso plays Miami police Lt. Horatio Caine on the crime drama series on U.S. network CBS.

And from OEM En Linea:

David Caruso recibía amenazas de muerte

Tijuana, BC.- La policía de Tijuana detuvo a una ciudadana austriaca, acusada en su país de amenazar al actor estadounidense David Caruso.

La detención fue realizada el jueves por la noche, en esta ciudad fronteriza con Estados Unidos, con la ayuda de un blog titulado "Las Crónicas de Acosadora", donde había pistas del paradero de la mujer.

Heide Marie Schnitzer, de 42 años, tenía una orden de aprehensión luego de que en abril del año pasado se ausentara del juicio en su contra por cargos de acoso y amenazas al protagonista de la serie "CSI: Miami".

La fiscalía de Austria asegura que la mujer envió más de 100 cartas a Caruso, a quien perseguía para que le diera un autógrafo. El actor comenzó a recibir amenazas de muerte cuando se negó a complacerla.

Caruso, de 52 años, es la estrella en la serie televisiva de investigaciones policiales que transmite la cadena CBS, en la que interpreta a un agente de Miami, Horatio Caine.

Karin Treichl, una siquiatra citada por la corte, testificó que la sospechosa había sido diagnosticada con un "profundo desorden de personalidad".

De ser encontrada culpable, podría enfrentar hasta tres años de cárcel. Esa sentencia podría aumentar en caso de que se le presenten cargos y salga convicta por evadir la justicia.

Según fuentes de la policía municipal de Tijuana; tras su arresto, la mujer fue puesta a disposición del Instituto Nacional de Emigración (INAMI), para luego pasar a la custodia de Interpol.

Según la información del blog, un grupo que buscaba la detención de la fémina, le envió una carta al gobernador del estado de Baja California el pasado 10 de febrero, pidiendo que fuera capturada.


  1. And Sara is mentioned in the article I have jusr read. !!!!!

    So Yaaaaay to you Sara. "How's that for promotion!"

    What a stellar human being!!!!

    What a DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's time to break out the champagne! We need to time our celebration and lift our glasses at the same time world over!

    Cheers everyone!

  3. Dojo mentioned that it's Lindy's birthday. Your special day brought David Caruso some great relief!

    Happy Birthday to you.

  4. Sara,
    I had absolutly no doubt that one day, in part because of your and Dojo's efforts, this degenerate would be brought to justice.

    What can I say?
    Wonderful job and thank you!

  5. Thanks for the faith Krystal. I must admit there were days I thought about throwing in the towel. The wheels of justice simply weren't moving fast enough. But finally all of Dojo's and my efforts have paid off.

    Now Caruso and his family can go out in public without having to constantly glance over their shoulders.

    And hopefully Heidemarie will get the help she so desperately needs and some well-deserved jail time.

  6. Fantastic news Sara, congrats to you and Dojo and everyone who played a part in this. It will be interesting to see what happens. I hope they put her in jail this time. Good work!

  7. "Your special day brought David Caruso some great relief!"

    And this special event brought extra cheer to my day! A Birthday never to be forgotten. 20th February 2009. Let's hope she is contained and assisted for a very long time.

    My word verification: Blessest!!!
    Blessings indeed!

  8. A toast to Lindy and her special day! Clink, clink -- the sound of champagne flutes filled with the lovely celebratory bubbly. Lucky Lindy, two celebrations in one.

    Hope you had a great day.

    I know we did.

  9. congrats to all involved in caturing this sick weirdo. im sure david and family are ecstatic that she's finally gone!!

  10. Congratulations, Sara!

    I can't even being to imagine how you must feel not that Heidi is finally in custody.

    You and Dojo have done an amazing job and I sincerely hope that you take the time to reward yourselves appropriately.

    Now let's cross our fingers and hope that the Austrian authories do their jobs this time. And I hope the first thing they do is take her freaking passport!

    May God bless you both!

  11. Get her passport is right! They should have done that in 2007 when she first fled to Mexico.

    Hopefully they'll do everything by the book this time. I don't think Austria wants egg on their face a third time.


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