Monday, January 26, 2009

David Caruso - Stalker Attacks Young Boy

We knew it was coming. To have expected anything different would have been remiss on our part. After publishing the photo of a young boy strongly suspected of being Heidemarie Schnitzer's child and brother of Schnitzer's daughter Katharina Sophie, Schnitzer's gloves have come off and she has moved into damage control.

For those who have followed the psychotic antics of David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker, it is well-known that whenever Dojo and I get remotely close to the truth about Heidemarie Schnitzer, her claws come out and her vindictiveness shifts into high gear. Plagiarizing Dojo's articles, adding bizarre spins, and spitting it back out on David Caruso has become so common place that it's amazing we even notice. Her outrageous behavior only serves to confirm what we already surmise to be true.

Just as we are learning from an Austrian blogger that Schnitzer abandoned not one, but two children, Schnitzer has seized the opportunity to attack the parentage of the young boy she was photographed with in much happier times. The Stalker Chronicles won't even link to Schnitzer's slander of this boy. If this child is indeed hers, what would motivate Schnitzer to bastardize her own son? The young man suspected of being Schnitzer's other child is probably in high school and like most teenagers, he undoubtedly spends a great deal of time on the Internet. Soon, if he hasn't already, this young man will read about Schnitzer's criminal stalking, murder threats and the Internet hate war she wages against David Caruso. Unfortunately, he will also read Schnitzer's verbal attacks on himself.

It is of the utmost necessity that the Austrian and Mexican authorities act quickly to locate and capture this dangerous fugitive. Heidemaire Schnitzer's "profound personality disorder" has now manifested into attacks on someone who quite possibly may be her own child. What won't this woman do?

Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large on Mexico's Baja peninsula wanted on an International Warrant for threatening to murder CSI Miami's David Caruso and for fleeing Austria to avoid prosecution thereof. Schnitzer is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI at (310) 477-6565 or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.

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