Tuesday, June 10, 2008

David Caruso - Lexicon Digital Communications

Today The Stalker Chronicles is taking a much needed break from stalker news (there isn't any)to let everyone know about and link to a great article that appeared on StreamingMedia's site yesterday. Titled, A Whole New Lexicon: David Caruso Launches Online Video Company, it is a well-written insight into the CSI Miami star's new venture. After reading this, I came away very impressed with David's knowledge and business acumen with respect to the digital frontier.

Caruso has teamed up with two other people, also leaders in their respective fields, to form Lexicon Digital Communications. One partner is Nils Lahr whose impressive achievements include being one of the main architects of the Windows Media platform. Caruso's other partner, Frank Nein, has an equally impressive track record which includes web casting events and consulting stints at Bell Atlantic/Verizon. Having formed what appears to be a healthy trifecta of talent with Caruso, Nils Lahr and Frank Nein at the helm, Lexicon Digital Communications is planning to take the digital age to a whole new interactive level. Lexicon has positioned itself to become a pioneer in not only how on-line videos are streamed but how viewers will be able to interact with the content. With the three principals each bringing a different level of expertise to the table, Lexicon stands poised for success.

Many of us will identify with Caruso's observation that different countries in the world see different seasons of CSI: Miami while US viewers are 3 or 4 seasons ahead. Caruso wants to close this gap and we applaud his effort. Stating that "the coming generation isn't interested in traditional entertainment," may become the mantra for the digital age. Walk into any American home on any given day and you undoubtedly will find just as many computers as television sets. More likely than not, the television will be on, but the computer is where the attention will be focused. Ask yourself, if you want to get a weather report, are you going to wait for your local station to air the latest or are you going to walk over to the computer or use your hand-held to get the information. I think we all know the answer to that one and it appears that Caruso and his team do as well.

Lexicon has a very ambitious business model. Recognizing that videos are streamed primarily through Flash or Windows Media, Lexicon wants to empower the consumer "by breaking down the corporate walls created by a format war which only serves to cause consumers pain." A brilliant idea and one that I personally hope they successfully implement. For the technophiles among you, the article is a joy to read. The real joy will come when Lexicon introduces their proposed new technology to an eagerly awaiting digital consumer. David Caruso, multi-dimensional and multi-successful, will he also become Digital Dave?

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