Friday, June 13, 2008

David Caruso - KRoseLynn Takes On Heidemarie

Fans of David Caruso know her as "Krystal", the administrator and top-notch moderator of The David Caruso Message Board. No nonsense in her approach, "Krystal", which is short for her screen name "KRoseLynn", runs a tight ship banning all stalkers, trolls and haters. She also steps out of that role occasionally to post on other sites when she feels like Heidemarie Schnitzer needs a good slap up side the head. The following from Vipix is "Krystal's" take on Schnitzer's abrupt change of heart where David Caruso's new girlfriend Amina is concerned. "Vixen" is Schnitzer's ubiquitous internet pseudonym. Thank you Krystal, this is priceless:

"So, within the last couple of weeks, Vixen has changed her mind about Amina, hu? Let's look at a few of her posts of the last couple of weeks, shall we?

Begin multiple posts by Vixen [pseudonym for Gabriele Huber]:
BTW did you get YOUR COPY OF THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER today? You know the feature a story about David Caruso and the new woman in his life.Just because you ignore it would not make it go away. LOL.David and Amina - sounds nice, don't you think?June 2, 2008 Vixen
The article about David Caruso and Amina Islam in the latest National Enquirer - on stands tomorrow! - is a great say more than a million words. Aren't you happy for the new couple? Now , Who is a loser?June 1, 2008 Vixen.
Why should I trash Amina? She has more class and style in her little finger than Liza ever had. At least we agree on something - all the best for the happy couple! They deserve it.June 1, 2008 Vixen.
The new girl Caruso is seeing is really very attractive. Finally a woman he can be seen with. The last one he had was not such a great choice....May 22, 2008 Vixen
Now he screws a REAL Woman - Yes, I'm happy for them. At least a woman he can be seen with. May 15, 2008 Vixen
Honey, this woman looks way better than trashy Lizs Marquez ever did. Ironically, poppingout two kids didn't get the Latina golddigger married. Caruso looked for a REAL WOMAN and found her in Amina Islam.Stop being jealous. Liza is history Amina is the new one. Get over it.It this woman is cheap - which she isn't - what are you? A psychotic who can't get over the fact that Caruso dates a sexy lady? Your ridiculous comments about Miley Cirus show that very clearly...what a nutcaseMay 12, 2008 Vixen
End multiple quotes by Vixen.

Hmmmm, just a few weeks ago, you were all about how much you LIKED Amina, (evidence above) now you’re taking bets on when the relationship will end.
You've also made comments on why you THINK she didn't make it as an actress; because you think she's ugly. When you called her classy and sexy less than two weeks ago. What happened, Vixen? What's up? What changed your mind?
Skip asking me if I think I deserve an answer or any of your other normal comebacks.
Of course, I could write a book about it if you want me to. No? Well, ok….Maybe later…"
June 12, 2008

Heidemarie Schnitzer remains at large wanted for threatening to murder David Caruso. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact your local FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.


  1. Krystal is spot on. It was only a matter of time, more photos that fly in the face of her obsession and jealous desires, her hopes for attention from DC semingly faded (never existed). All the "compliments" in the woeld did not help. And no interest from Seb at Vipix at all. Well done Krystal!

  2. Gabriele is now attacking all of us on Vipix. Ever notice how this woman delights in a good verbal battle that doesn't require any logic on her part? She'll love being incarcerated with other females--that's all they do in prison is fight.

    Why the sudden change of heart about Amina? Jealousy, nothing but pure jealousy one of the seven deadliest sins. It'll be Gabriele's undoing eventually.


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