Tuesday, March 18, 2008

David Caruso - Stalker Steps Up Libel

Well, Gabrielle Huber, Caruso's indicted Austrian stalker, is probably patting herself on the back today as her new rumor is spreading like wild fire. That is if she is able to actually reach her back while lying on it to render services in the name of Austria's Emperor's Club. Here are some of the comments she has posted on the Hot Gossip Momma site which has picked up on her latest effort to disparage David Caruso claiming that he is difficult to work with:

By: Vixen
Yesterday, March 17, 2008, 6:40:33 PM Vixen
Caruso is not only a primadonna but an idiot. He should get some hep or should change from diet coke to diet pepsi!

By: julie
Yesterday, March 17, 2008, 2:47:20 PM julie
I might watch the show if David Caruso wasnt on it. He is like a red headed piece of cardboard. I love when Joel McHale makes fun of the sunglass thing. Its a shame some people can get paid so much money to be so bad.

By: GillianH
Yesterday, March 17, 2008, 11:15:10 AM GillianH
Caruso has the acting range of a rock. It doesn’t surprise me about his ego, his acting is so over-the-top. He is laughable and the rest of the cast especially Emily Proctor are aweful.

By: Anonymous
Yesterday, March 17, 2008, 10:25:24 AM Anonymous
EAT S**T!!This is the ASSF**-LOOKALIKE of elton john!!
All of the above posts were made by Vixen (Gabriele Huber). Too bad she doesn't have any real supporters with the exception of the ones she creates in her deranged mind.
This latest rumor has neither merit nor substantiation. For years, Caruso's co-stars have complimented him for his on-set professionalism and behavior beyond reproach. Now that Huber has abandoned the HOTMINCE rumor (hot Miami night club executive), she has moved on to promoting this new one. Don't believe it because four months from now, she'll have to plant another one.
Remember the "caruso was drunk on a plane" and "caruso and eva la rue affair". Those rumors died as well.


  1. well Sara good ol' VH,
    thank you for that interesting update! dayum! Vixen has to get a life and stop this inhumanity! she is a sick freak cruled up in a corner saying "everybody hates me everybody hates me but i dont care do i? do i?" i mean c'on its not fair anymore. it started off as a little hate over the actor... but now its just worldwide trashtalk all started by one sick freak in a corner of the world Vixen a.k.a. (Public Enemy #1!)
    ~ CSIFREAK191~

  2. Desperate people, desperate times Vixen. Personally, I prefer the Caruso vs Alligator rumour better. Even Steve Irwin would have been proud


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