With the Oscar Awards days away, there will be new categories honoring those whose outstanding achievements in the industry are noteworthy. Will there be awards honoring exceptional on-line video and music productions in 2008? What about on-line writing awards? These questions remain unanswered.
However, there is one highly anticipated new category that will honor Best Performance by a Cyber-Stalker as an Internet Joke. Nominees include: Vixen, Mermaid7, StealthQueen, KillerQueen, Crazyrabbit2, QueenBitch2die4, DiamondsandHearts, Cole, Liz, Visitor, The Mole Hunter, Batgirl97, Boo2221, Sammy and Joe. Due to printing deadlines, these are the only names that made the ballot. There are hundreds more. Look for those in 2009.
Cast your ballot soon. And since David Caruso's cyber-stalker was denied a visa to enter the country for the awards ceremony, she will have to make her acceptance speech via satellite from the Austrian mental health facility where she is currently locked up.
According to her one adoring "fan", that would be "menthal health facility"