Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mexican Cops Doing Good: The David Caruso Case


We found this article on the feeds this morning. It congratulates the Tijuana police for capturing Heidemarie Schnitzer and it also mentions some other high profile cases they were instrumental in solving. The Tijuana police should be applauded for their efforts in bringing David Caruso's stalker to justice.

"Cops gone bad in Mexico is a recurring theme that tends to dominate our perceptions of law enforcement in Mexico. The recent capture by Tijuana law enforcement of the suspected stalker of actor David Caruso highlights the more professional side of police agencies south of the border. Interestingly, Tijuana authorities say they found the alleged Caruso stalker with the help of a blog called The Stalker Chronicles, according to this Feb. 20 Associated Press story.

Here is a small sampling of other cross-border investigations:

In 2001, Baja California investigators arrested a Tijuana man who used his resemblance to Ricky Martin to seduce and rape women. One of the victims I talked to (for a San Diego Union-Tribune story that is no longer available on the Internet) was from the United States. Her cooperation with Mexican authorities was key in his arrest. Here is an abbreviated Associated Press story.

In 2005, Mexican authorities recovered an abducted Nevada girl and arrested a suspect accused of sexually abusing the girl in the United States and Mexico. Here is a reprinted Union-Tribune story.

In 2008, Mexican authorities tracked down a man suspected of murdering his girlfriend in the United States and then fleeing to Baja California. Mexican authorities captured the man in San Felipe. Read the Los Angeles Times story by Scott Glover here."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

David Caruso - Stalker, A Former Nurse, Could Go On Trial As Early As May

After learning that David Caruso's stalker had been arrested a week ago, we contacted our friend Marcus J. Oswald who maintains an Austrian blog. Last summer, Mr. Oswald ran a story about Heidemarie Schnitzer that confirmed, among other things, that Schnitzer had abandoned not one, but two children.

Oswald recently updated his blog reporting Schnitzer's recent arrest. Oswald not only shed quite a bit of light on the legal process she will be facing, but we have also learned some new details about the accused. Seems Heidemarie Schnitzer was formerly employed as a nurse.

He also shed some more details about Schnitzer's February 19, 2009 arrest. Following her detainment last Thursday night, she contacted Austria's Embassy in Mexico requesting a lawyer. If we are reading the translation correctly, it sounds like Schnitzer chatted up Werner Druml, the Austrian Ambassador to Mexico, mentioning how they both had origins in the same area of Austria. Guess a little diplomacy never hurts when one is forced to go crawling to their embassy after being nabbed by a foreign government.

The good news is Schnitzer will remain in prison for the next two months at which time a trial date will be set. Oswald predicts that the trial may take place on or about May 7, 2009. Schnitzer stands charged with stalking David Caruso, by spatial proximity and stalking him using telecommunications equipment, i.e. the Internet. She is also charged with threatening Caruso's life. Hmmmm, what happened to the charges for fleeing to avoid prosecution?

Now for the bad news. Schnitzer is a first-time offender and will more than likely receive a sentence of 15 months at the most. Half of that will be probation and Oswald is predicting she will be a free woman by September 1, 2009 after she is credited for time already served while awaiting trial. Unless Schnitzer receives some serious mental intervention between now and the time of her release, The Stalker Chronicles predicts she'll be back on the Internet within hours after she leaves prison. Knowing she has paid her dues to society, Schnitzer will pick up where she left off on February 19 waging her 24/7 non-stop hate-David Caruso Internet campaign. As long as she doesn't break the law, freedom of speech will be her mantra.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Arrestada La Mujer Austriaca Que Acosaba a David Caruso

Arrestada la mujer austríaca que acosaba a David Caruso

pulicado el martes 24 febrero 2009 por La Mirona en: Noticias Actores y actrices CSI

David Caruso y acosadoraLas autoridades mexicanas han detenido una mujer austríaca buscada por acoso al protagonista de CSI Miami, David Caruso. Durante los nueve meses que Heidy Csechnitzer, de 42 años de edad, ha estado prófuga ha sido buscada por la FBI. La policía de Tijuana ha explicado que el pasado viernes procedieron a su detención con la ayuda del blog The Stalker Chronicles, dedicado al arresto de la mujer.

La sospechosa de 42 años ya había sido acusada con anterioridad por acoso y amenaza de muerte al actor que interpreta Horatio Crane en la ficción pero el proceso se había quedado colgado cuando en el año 2007 se celebró el juicio y la acusada no se presentó. A partir de ese momento la fanática de David Caruso se dio a la fuga y no la habían podido capturar hasta este momento.

La mujer acusada de acoso había llegado a enviar más de 100 cartas a Caruso y también lo había perseguido para conseguir un autógrafo. Cuando el actor se negó a darle lo que quería la austríaca empezó a acecharlo con amenazas de muerte.

Ahora la mujer tendrá que hacer frente a una petición de tres años de arresto por acoso más un tiempo añadido por eludir a la justicia. Según ha explicado la Agencia de Prensa de Austria la psiquiatra solicitada para declarar en la sala ha diagnosticado a la sospechosa con un profundo desorden de la personalidad.

Vía | Associated Press
Fotografía |

CSI: Mexico - Fans Track Down Caruso Stalker

CSI: Mexico - fans track down Caruso stalker

A deranged stalker who threatened to kill CSI Miami star David Caruso has been arrested after fans of the hit crime show tracked her down in Mexico.

Heidemarie Schnitzer has been on the run from her home in Innsbruck, Tyrol, since she was accused of blitzing the star with more than 100 sinister letters.

Now fans from the show have snared her after tracking down her laptop computer to Tijuana through her internet service provider.

A blog called The Stalker Chronicles unravelled hundreds of layers of security Schnitzer had put in place to protect her location and CSI fan Sara Kane finally cracked the trail last week and informed the Austrian Justice Ministry.

Mexican police have arrested the 41-year-old woman who his now facing extradition and three years in jail under Austria's tough anti-stalking laws.

Schnitzer threatened to kill Caruso - who plays investigator Horatio Caine - and his lover Liza Marquez after he ignored her obsessed letters.

Austrian Times

Monday, February 23, 2009

David Caruso - Heidemarie Schnitzer The Con Artist

With Schnitzer finally in custody of Mexican Immigration, David Caruso, Greta Caruso and Liza Marquez can finally put some closure to this precarious chapter of their lives. Their immediate families surely must be breathing collective sighs of relief as the safety of their loved ones is no longer being compromised by a mentally unbalanced celebrity stalker.

What continues to strike The Stalker Chronicles as odd are the few Internet sites who claimed Schnitzer was innocent and even went so far as to call her a friend. One site has posted not one, but two pieces bemoaning the loss of their "fallen comrade." Several others including one high traffic site took The Stalker Chronicles to task when we attempted to do nothing more than warn them who Schnitzer really was.

We have to hand it to Schnitzer. Being a consummate con-artist, she was successful in promoting her subterfuge with a few gullible people. However, most intelligent people quickly saw through Schnitzer's charade that included multiple pseudonyms and four hate-David Caruso blogs. The Stalker Chronicles will not link to the duped sites as they have engaged in denigration of The Stalker Chronicles and our efforts and did nothing to promote the cause of justice.

These same individuals are now professing disbelief that a stalker was in their midst while at the same time claiming they had suspicions all along. Is there a club for con-artists?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

David Caruso - Stalker Arrested at Tijuana Hotel

According to this Austrian publication Kleine Zeitung, Heidemarie Schnitzer was arrested after Mexican authorities tracked her to a Tijuana hotel. Many of you may remember how Schnitzer recently advocated Wi Fi theft and it is strongly believed that authorities traced her location based on the i.p. address she was using. The Stalker Chronicles is pleased to report that we provided numerous tips to authorities including the i.p. addresses she was using and we are extremely proud to have been part of the capture of this mentally unbalanced woman.

However, we want to temper all of our enthusiasm with a reality check. Schnitzer can and eventually will gain access to the Internet again. Even in prison, inmates are allowed limited use of computers. When Schnitzer manages to get back on-line, we anticipate she will post ludicrous excuses for not being on the Internet, i.e. my computer was being repaired, I was sick, etc. She's also going to claim as she always has that she's not the stalker. Some people simply do not respond to therapy and are unable to be rehabilitated. The Stalker Chronicle strongly fears that Schnitzer may be one of them.

Our mission when we undertook this blog was simple: we wanted to see
Heidemarie Schnitzer brought to justice for threatening to murder three human beings. The Stalker Chronicles will be closing down as soon as we receive confirmation Schnitzer is back on Austrian soil. When she arrives in Austria, that mission will have been accomplished. If she escapes again and/or is released on some type of probation, The Stalker Chronicles will not continue to track her.

Shortly, Interpol will take custody of Schnitzer and coordinate efforts to deport her. As soon as we know Schnitzer is back in Austria we will report it here.