Tuesday, September 9, 2008

David Caruso - Tijuana Alert! This Woman is Wanted For Stalking and Death Threats

Have you seen this woman? Heidi Schnitzer, David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker, remains on the lam hiding out in Tijuana, Mexico. Schnitzer, who has threatened to murder David Caruso, Greta Caruso and Liza Marquez has an EAW (European Arrest Warrant) on her head which remains in full force and effect in the European Union. Although the warrant is not valid outside the EU, Schnitzer can still be deported from another country for being a fugitive. Most civilized nations don't want to jeopardize their standing in the world community by being known for harboring fugitives.

For our readers in the southern California and Tijuana, Mexico areas, if you see this woman please contact the Tijuana Police Department. From the U.S. dial 011-42664-6078912. For calls originating inside Mexico, it is not necessary to dial 011.

While on the lam, Schnitzer continues to deluge fan sites and message boards where she has not been banned with her anti-David Caruso propaganda. For the latest information on aliases being used by Schnitzer to spam websites, check back frequently for updates posted on the sidebar. Currently Schnitzer is spamming Mixx.com using at least three different names: "Vixen," "TheSlyFox," and "flowerchildsupreme17925." Over on Showhype.com, Schnitzer has been posting as "TheSlyFox2008." Feel free to e-mail me with any new aliases that I may not have listed.

Heidi Schnitzer remains a fugitive hiding out in the Tijuana, Mexico area. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378 , the FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

David Caruso - Schnitzer's World Grows Smaller and Smaller

The U.S. Border Patrol has been placed on high alert with photos of Heidi Schnitzer at all check points. For those traveling to the Southern California/Tijuana, Mexico area please be on the look out for Schnitzer. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Report all suspicious activity to the Border Patrol at 1-800-232-5378. Or contact the local police in Tijuana, the U.S. FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.

UPDATE: Digg.com has wisely banned Heidi Schnitzer and the seven or eight aliases she had registered under to promote her anti-David Caruso propaganda. Thanks Digg!

So long to
Vipix and not a moment too soon. For those unaware, Vipix was a French website maintained by two celebrity photographers who fell under the spell of Heidi Schnitzer, David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker. At Schnitzer's unrelenting urging, Sebastian and his partner followed David Caruso around until they got Schnitzer's desperately sought photos. Weeks back however, the owners announced that the site was being closed and no new photos would be published. Unfortunately, the comments section remained open until yesterday and became nothing more than an unmoderated abyss where Schnitzer thrived.

Schnitzer stole screen names, libeled and slandered David Caruso, his family, friends and professional associates. When anyone challenged her, Schnitzer resorted to childish pranks, name calling and posting obscenities with regularity. The forum essentially became Schnitzer's killing field to promote her anti-David Caruso agenda and cast aspersions on anyone who opposed her.

The site is history now and Schnitzer has one less place to defame David Caruso and the bloggers who oppose her. Other Boards and sites have been issued warnings that Schnitzer is lurking in search of a new home; one preferably unmoderated where she can continue her Internet rampage. We will continue to track Schnitzer's movements and post advisories as necessary.