Saturday, July 5, 2008

David Caruso - Rumors Desperately Seeking Stalker

With summer in full swing and family pursuits taking on increased importance, the gossip mills have slowed to a crawl frustrating the rumormongering efforts of Gabriele Huber, David Caruso's fugitive Austrian stalker. Impatient that the paparazzi have not uncovered any juicy new details for Huber to promote in her ongoing hate war, Huber has resorted to her fall back plan: fabrication.

Huber's latest hype is not only ludicrous on its face but it requires a huge leap of faith on the part of even the most jaded Caruso fan. Citing absolutely no sources, Huber is promoting the claim that Caruso used his political cache with CSI Miami's executive producers to secure the Medical Examiner role for Amina Islam. This time though, Huber didn't stop there. She iced this latest rumor with repulsive sexual innuendo proving once and for all that she is truly a product of Hitler stock.

"Would David Caruso really ever go as far as rewarding Amina´s faking an orgasm every other day with a possible role in CSI Miami?"

Huber's deranged verbal assassinations could be a sign that her days on the lam are numbered. Or they could just be a reminder of the Austrian government's total failure in capturing a psycho celebrity stalker whose sole mission in life is to torch David Caruso's reputation.

Gabriele Huber remains at large wanted for threatening to murder David Caruso. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact your local FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.

Friday, July 4, 2008

David Caruso - Stalker Perfects Geospoofing

It's important when you are a criminal on the run for stalking and threatening to murder David Caruso that you cover your tracks. In cyberspace, Gabriele Huber has a limitless supply of websites willing to aid and abet her Internet subterfuge. Yesterday, Gabriele claimed on VipixSquarespace that her current location is Chula Vista, California right here in the good ol' USA. For those who have followed her escapades, keep in mind that she promoted a similar ruse last summer claiming she was vacationing in the lap of luxury at a spa in southern California. Several months later, it was revealed that Huber had actually been in Mexico all along camped out in a flophouse begging for money on the Internet.

On any given day, Gabriele Huber hits this blog and others multiple times. And because Huber does not want this blogger or any others to know her exact whereabouts, she avails herself of technology designed to protect her so-called personal freedoms. Hits to this blog from Gabriele have come from countries all over the world due in large part to a practice known as "geospoofing." This practice allows Gabriele to select a country where she wants to appear to be and a proxy server does the rest of the work for her. In the morning for instance Gabriele could decide that she wants everyone to think she is in The Netherlands. In the evening, she can change her country to Austria, Mexico, Russia, India, Finland, you name it.

It comes as no surprise the endless information available on the Internet for anything and everything legal and sadly, illegal. The following websites offer anonymous web surfing and one even boasts having volunteers who will thwart network surveillance efforts. If nothing more, they provide an interesting look inside the world of proxy servers which were originally developed for use by the military and law enforcement. A world that Gabriele Huber has turned on end for her own illegal purposes while she is on the lam. As you will see, all Huber has to do is hit "select a country":

Gabriele Huber remains at large wanted for threatening to murder David Caruso. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact your local FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

David Caruso - The Stalker's Voice Mail to David Caruso?

Just imagine if Gabriele Huber had left a voice mail for her prey, David Caruso. Would it have sounded similar to this crazy one? A male stranger left this on a woman's voice mail whom he had met on the street for less than two minutes. Substitute the male voice for that of a female and listen to the narcissistic entitlement attitude. Unmistakably Gabriele! Here's the link.
Gabriele Huber remains at large wanted for threatening to murder David Caruso. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact your local FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

David Caruso - The Stalker's Keyboard Kibitz

Gabriele Huber's routine use of hundreds of pseudonyms to disguise her identity is a well established fact of life in cyberspace. Where David Caruso's stalker is concerned, her iconic denials and outrage whenever she is exposed are well-documented. The latest round of denials involve posts Huber has made which contain German alphabet characters. Letters not readily available unless one is using a computer configured with German keyboard software or a keyboard designed for those whose native tongue is German. When this was pointed out, as she always does, Gabriele dug herself into a bigger hole claiming not to know what a German keyboard is. This link enlarges the above photo.
Huber's keyboard kibitz began when she alleged her laptop was being upgraded. The hilarious "Corpuschristie" inquired if her upgrades might include a dictionary. If Huber's laptop was out of commission as she claimed, how did she get her hands on another laptop while she's on the lam not to mention one equipped with a German keyboard? On VipixSquarespace, where Huber's main pseudonym is Vixen, Huber frequently resorts to using her "Anonymous" pseudonym but forgets to modify her verbiage, grammar and in recent days, the alphabet she is using. It's clear who she really is when letters from the German alphabet start showing up in the pseudonym's posts:

You are not taking sides? I doubt that. I refuse to label someone as a stalker just ebcause a few people say so. I need proof first., But then you havë not any. Just an ASSUMPTION which is worth NOTHING.
June 30, 2008
WHAT in the world is a "GERMAN KEYBOARD"? Is that a new invention by Sarakanne? I know that there are different keyboards in different countries.
July 1, 2008 Vixen
A German keyboard...Yeah I tried one of those once but I had to toss it. It was out of control, kept going onto various sites and writing utter crap. The cars are more reliable.So Vix, how ya doing? It was very quiet yesterday, normally you are hitting multiple sites like a rabbit on heat, so I figured that you must have had some kind of outage. Not sure about the laptop though. So what did you get upgraded, it wasn't the built in dictionary I do know? Did the processor keel over and die from the boredom of your incessant venomous attacks against David Caruso. Speaking of tarnished reputation, how is his reputation tarnished exactly? Let's see, you don't like him so that makes him a bad person...err, well yeah that's about it. Stunning.
July 1, 2008
From my non-German keyboard. Caruso has got a bad reputation and there is nothing you can do about it to make it go away....Ï´m loving it...
July 1, 2008 Vixen
Gee, Vixen [Gabriele Huber] could you please explain what those two small dots are on top of the 'I.' My English keyboard doesn't have that character and neither does a Mexican keyboard. Thanks in advance.
July 1, 2008 sarakanne
I'm with Sarakanne though. What are those dots? You are not a member of some weird cult are you?
July 1, 2008
But hey nothing like two silly fangirls to entertain me on a hot afternoon like that..Ops, I may have made another one of that strange signs...can you find it? (They are NOT UMLAUTE BTW - if you copy and paste something from a foreign language you should try to find the right thing
July 1, 2008 Vixen

Gabriele Huber remains at large wanted for threatening to murder David Caruso. She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend this woman. Contact your local FBI or Austria's Bundeskriminalamt at +43-(0)1-531 26-0.